Sophia was such a joy to capture! She attends Central City High School, is a softball player (whoop whoop!), and will be graduating in May 2021. She has the sweetest personality and her eyes are just GORGEOUS! Just look below if you don’t believe me ⬇️⬇️

She chose such fun locations, and her outfit choices were perfect for her. I love seeing all the outfits at the beginning of a session and envisioning exactly where they will pop in the chosen locations. Trendy, sleek, and fun work so well in downtown or urban settings, and flowy dresses and jumpsuits are perfect for fields.
Also, her hat - such a fun accessory that complemented so many looks during the session! Never be afraid to bring bold accessories or props - they can add SO much originality in photos!!

Sophia has such a bright future ahead, and I wish her the best during her senior year - especially in softball season (&& fingers crossed for no more pitching machine bruises 🤞🏼)!

Click here to see more of her photos!